It has been a while since I last used Flash... more then 2 years I haven't touched the program but one day I came into the office and there was the request to do a Flash animation. Ever seen somebody run and hide under a table? Well that was pretty much what I wanted to do, slightly stressed I got the brief and off I went. After long nights and stupid mistakes I finally managed to come up with this (look at pretty picture)
Hello my faithful readers.....all 5 of you! Yes indeed it has been a while since I last updated, I can provide you with a number of reasons why but in the end I might just have been a bit lazy *shock*
Well I finally pulled it off the 1st of September I'm starting at my new job! Excited? You bet!
It has been a crazy few weeks but I manged to get the apartment I wanted and I'm off this Thursday to sign papers and have first look at the place myself.
So this blog is for the peeps in the Netherlands, to make sure I'm still on one piece and having a good time in the UK.
This blog will feature pictures and video's , using my ancient digital camera, to show what life is like for a Dutchie who is only 45 minutes away from NL.
Besides the fun of seeing The Cure at Wembley, discovering the little unique stores in the streets of Oxford or just crashing on the sofa and watch a very bloody gangster (Eastern Promises) movie with a special Irishman. I actually received word that two companies were interested in meeting me. Actually the third managed to finally get my details to their HR people after 3 months - so who knows maybe another email their way to see how that is coming along?
Well you know how it goes ... you got a new Blog and you need to test how everything looks.Well this is pretty much some incoherent ramblings from me at about 1am on a monday morning.Where are actually should be in bed with my hot water bottle (since it is bloody freezing here ) but I decided the digital world was a lot more interesting then my dreams.