Thursday, 17 December 2009
Cuteness overload
Monday, 30 November 2009
Some pretty stuff I did...
Work for me around this time of year is so busy, all those companies that want to get their site/product ready for Christmas. I actually love this time of year, I'm always busy with nice things and there is never a boring moment.
At the company I work for we have loads of clients that are fun to work with! I always like working on the London Eye - their new brand looks stylish.
Every time there is a special event they do a site 'overhaul' and change the colors and the main Flash. This year I got to do the main flash banner and I went for a magical Christmas feeling.
So here you have it snow falling, lights twinkling - I'm very pleased with this.
My work in action can be seen at
Thursday, 26 November 2009
I'm taking the train .....
I'm actually going to the Netherlands and celebrate Sinterklaas there, Im truly looking forward to this - I'm already building up my pepernoten appetite.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
It's the season to be Jolly...
Monday, 5 October 2009
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee....
Yes another year has gone by - and to mark the occasion my sister decided that it would be fun to dress up her pet rabbit Bumper with a festive outfit. I'mnot entirely sure that she is very much approving the choice of her owners sense of humor, but oh well - I enjoyed receiving the picture :)
So my 28th birthday came in unlike last year I had my parents over to actually join the celebartion. I got hopelessly spoiled by them and David a.k.a. 'Bloke'. Gifts ranged from Guitar Hero 5 - which David still regrets giving to me since I have a tendancy to try and 100% a song by playing it 21 times in a row - and a lovely silver necklace and beutiful designer dress from parents.
David also thought the world was ready for me driving so I also got driving lessons, for all those in the Berkshire area, I will warn you when I go out on the roads :) For lunch I was taken to Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Oxford -
I must admit it was the best past I have had for a very long time and if you do happen to eat there try the anti-pasta starter plates, simply amazing!
For dinner we went to my favorite, The Crab at Chieveley - nothing can beat that place when it comes to seafood. I have had an amazing day surrounded with the people I love most - It was all very special.
After a few days off work - it was back again, some really nice things have gone live in the last few days. I love the London Eye Halloween site: - we did the Flash on the mainpage and the site overhaul. I'm very proud with my 'Blinky the Frog' :)
I love making those little Flash animations - Rachel did a very good job on the extra mouse over fog to compliment my area fog.... anyway go check it out!
Lot's of exiting stuff is incoming but more later ......
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
poladroid - family photo? :)
I saw this picture and I though this was the coolest family portret!
For your daily bunny fix hop to
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Busy, busy, busy - did I mention busy?

Friday, 1 May 2009

Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Things are going to change....

- I passed my probation at my job
- Going to move house (again)
- But just to live with my Bloke :)
- Got a massive expansion on my kimono/Japanese collection
- Did I mention moving in with my Bloke?
David decided to take me out to the Crab at Chievely, which is a lovely restaurant with amazing food. Starters like scallops with white chocolate & caviar - and if you get a chance do go for the Crab, that baby is huge! Anyway he asked me just before the starters to move in with him, now I can be a real girl and start crying (I must admit that I had to swallow a few times to keep the tears back) but I didn't want to just burst out in tears in the middle of the restaurant.
Also the couple next to us seemed to listen to everything we said and threw a bunch of dirty looks our way. So the big move of my place to his/ours will start right after Easter. It is pretty weird to see your place up on a letting agency site while you are still there. The sign has been firmly planted outside so it is all ready to go. I will miss my kittehs though :(

They all had a glass display with one of those dolls inside, now there is a lot of touristy shit on Ebay - but I have found me a little gem. I think I will call her Katsuragi - seems to be fitting for her and also remind me of my first encounter with one of these dolls.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Ohhh puhlease....
You think you can pass? Well this the is day to day hassle I get from my local cats. They are all fun and games until you get home and you find all 3 of them on my staircase refusing to let me pass. And when I get lucky I get the 4th one from down the road with it for free.
Spring has arrived in the UK, which is always good when you are cycling to work every day. In the last months I have been battling with snow, rain and wind. Needless to say how much it sucks. But things are looking brighter my sunglasses are permanently in my bag again and during lunch me and the guys from the office head out to our local pub to have a pint and sit in the sun.
The pub is right next to a canal that flows through the city so during the summer and spring you have a lot of boats going by, and a bunch of killer swans (damn those things are big and cheeky)
This is what it looks like from our point of view whilest doing bugger all and enjoying a pint :)
Speaking about pints, yesterday -the 17th - was St. Patricks Day, since my other half is Irish this of course called for a massive celebration. Unfortunately I have been swamped with work again and barely made it home to him before 6. But I found a Guinness waiting for me and a lovely meal with Irish sausages, mash and steak and Guinness pie! Absolutely gorgeous.
Another reason to celebrate was our first kill on Malygos, yes I'm still the World of Warcraft Nerd. But after trying to kill it for the last 3 weeks you can imagine me and my guild was pretty happy with the kill. Anyway here is some belated St. Patricks Day fun :)
Right since I'm blogging during work I better get to it - catch you all later! More will follow soon got a whole post about my Kimono adventures lined up
PS. I decided to try a new font - just for laughs.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Snow, kimono and happy new year!
Well first post of 2009 so Ithink a very, very belated 'happy new year' is in order here :)
Without a doubt you all might have heard of the lovely weather conditions in the UK, and here in Newbury it is not any different: SNOW! When I get left to bed it was a mild drizzle of snow and by the time I got up this morning at 3:15am - Ebay auction - it was a white world outside with about 13cm of thick fresh
snow. This morning it was even more and today it will get more, so I think hot chocolate is the way forward here. The picture is taken from my office window, check out the hill everyone is having loads of fun! So we might leave for home early cause the hills here are scary when you are driving a rear weel drive car.
Speaking about cars, I have finally got my provisional driving licence after loads of hassle. Sending in your photocopy of your passport is not enough to the DVLA, no you actually need to send out the original passport. So much for this great EU thing where every country can easily exchange information....FAIL! So when this lovely snow dissapears I will be taking my first lessons on English soil. Currently reading up on the theory and you got to love a place that has Pelican and Tucan crossings :D

Last weekend I went to Tokyo day in London, it was awesome! I don't get too many occasions to dress up in my kimonos and this time I thought it was time to wear my brand new light yellow houmongi. I had some people fromwork joining me that day as well and Christians girlfriend was happy enough to wear one of my kimonos and join the fun. She looked stunning in her ko-furisode. More pictures on my Flickr account (see on your left). At the end of February I have another kimono event, and I have been asked to participate in a kimono fashionshow! Yes it has been a a fun time the last few weeks.